What happened in Japan

Welfare will be reduced from 2018

Japanese government reviewed the cost of welfare, and 67% of welfare recipient households will have a reduction in monetary monthly stipends from October 2018.  Welfare recipients can still receive medical services, dental services, live in public apartments, their children can go to nursery school or public high school for free. Also, they don’t need to pay into the national pension plan (social security) and tax.

Currently, a married couple in their 30’s with 1 child can receive 148,000 yen per month. After the reduction, they will only receive 145,000 yen per month. A married couple in their 40’s with 2 children receive 185,000 yen. They will only receive 176,000 yen. A 40’s  single mother and 2 child receive 155,000 yen. She will only receive 147,000 yen. 50’s single man receives 80,000 yen. He will only receive 76,000 yen. 65 years old couple receiving 119,000 yen. They will only receive 118,000 yen.

On Yahoo news, about 7,000 people left comments. Almost all of the commenters agreed with this revision. People are frustrated that the current welfare benefits are higher than the national pension benefits. In addition, welfare beneficiaries are more better off than a full-time minimum wage worker.

(Yahoo Japan news, 2017. https://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20171222-00000104-asahi-soci)