What happened in Japan

Convenience stores should sell porn?

When I lived overseas, I was surprised that Japan is famous for being a Hentai  (pervert) country. Some guy talked me about Japanese porn or anime. I’ve never thought that Japan is a perverted country, but after I lived outside of Japan, I realized that there wasn’t any porn displayed in stores. However, in Japan we can see porn being sold, even in convenience stores. Also, most anime or manga which has erotic scenes, most female characters have big boobs.

Recently, it is becoming very controversial whether or not convenience stores should continue to sell porn. One convenient store-chain, Mini-Stop (2250 shops), decided to stop selling porn.

People comment online about this:

“We can see porn online easily. Actually, I’m impressed by the courage of some people who buy porn in front of female convenience store employees.”

“They don’t need to all uniformly decide to sell or not sell. Leave it up to the franchise owners to decide. If there is a need, the shop can sell. But if another shop’s customers are family oriented, then they should choose not to sell.”

“I’ve never care about it when I was child. When adolescents are going through puberty, it’s ok to be curious. It’s very dangerous that adolescents finish their puberty period without any knowledge about erotica.”

Do you think Japan should reduce selling porn in convenience stores?